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Edge computing: why decentralising data is becoming the norm

Most IT infrastructures have been built around the core principle of centralising data, largely so it can be better protected from the security of a data centre.  However, with powerful mobile devices increasingly operating at the edge of your network, greater business demands for speed and productivity, plus new digital initiatives, old school thinking is being called into question.

Pushing data backwards and forwards over your network naturally creates latency that hampers the performance of applications, especially those harnessing information in real-time, which is increasingly the case.  Consequently, many businesses are now choosing to re-examine the role and architecture of their networks to better service the operational reality they now face and the opportunities they wish to capture.

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The Windows 7 clock is ticking. Are you ready for End of Support?

There’s less than one month to go until Microsoft ends support for Windows 7, one of the world’s most popular operating systems (OS).  Although the 14th January 2020 deadline has been in the public domain for some time, there are still countless organisations functioning with this decade-old operating system.  In fact, recent reports have even suggested that half of the NHS is still running on Windows 7, evidence of the scale of the issue facing many IT professionals across the globe.

With time running out, those still using Windows 7 are faced with a choice between upgrading to a supported alternative or continuing with an unsupported operating system after the deadline.  It’s vital, therefore, that those tasked with making this decision understand the possible implications, as well as the different options available to them.

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Managed services build firm foundations for start-ups

For those starting a new business, your IT estate is both an essential business requirement and an added complication.  Whatever industry you’re working in, you’ll rely on your IT to not just support your business from day one, but help you create outward value, whether that’s how you enable your people to collaborate, how you streamline important businesses processes or how you protect your data.  At the beginning, it’s unlikely you will be able to commit the time and resources required to set this up yourself, or perhaps even have the know-how to do so.

Naturally, your time is better spent growing your emerging business, which is why assistance from an experienced IT partner is an appealing solution.  That said, choosing the wrong partner can be costly, leaving you facing the prospect of unexpected expenditure and unwanted delays and downtime.

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The role of metering in HPE GreenLake solutions

HPE GreenLake has set a new standard in how to deploy and manage on-premises infrastructure through pay-per-use IT solutions.  It is opening new possibilities to create a cloud-like experiences that simplify IT, create greater levels of control and keep budgets in check.  All of this is only achievable because of the unique way that HPE is able to monitor and more importantly meter the resource usage of all of the IT assets in a GreenLake infrastructure.

With so much interest in GreenLake currently, we take a closer look at the role of the metering technology behind the solution.

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Why it’s important to manage your mobile devices

Mobile devices have made a tremendously positive impact on the way we work and how we can remain productive whether in the office or on the go. Today, the majority of people will have a mobile device, most likely a smartphone or tablet, and combined with exciting cloud-based applications and cloud-based data storage, we now enjoy new levels of freedom to work and access information on the move like never before.

While this is great for improving productivity, allowing your users to work how they want, where they want, presents an overarching security risk for your business that frequently goes un-noticed. Today mobile devices provide not only a window through which your users can view and manipulate corporate data, but also a platfom on which to hold that data, and carry it with them wherever they go, sometimes without even realising.

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Don’t become complacent once you move to the cloud

As businesses look to break away from traditional methods for purchasing, installing and managing their own infrastructure in house, attractive cloud-based alternatives present a dream scenario that promises all that your existing infrastructure delivers and more, whilst escaping the resource-sapping commitments associated with managing an on-premises environment.

For the most part this is very much the case. Platforms such as Microsoft’s Office 365 and Azure, as well as Amazon Web Services allow businesses to easily move their key applications, email and data storage to the cloud with cost-effective consumption-based models, shifting expense from CAPEX to OPEX and removing the dependency on maintaining physical infrastructure.

Transitioning your data into the Cloud is not where an IT Manager’s responsibilities end however, and we frequently encounter customers who overlook the importance of back-up and business continuity in a cloud-first world.  Failing to consider what was a once a key part of the IT strategy inadvertently exposes your business to serious risk in the event of a major outage.

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Fancy running your on-premises infrastructure just like the public cloud? Now you can.

There’s lots to love about the public cloud – elastic demand, pay-per-use consumption and the joy of unburdening the ownership and management of infrastructure hardware.  However, the cloud isn’t suitable for every business or even every workload – for all kinds of reasons from security to portability it doesn’t always measure up.  It means lots of businesses are getting left behind, unable to capitalise on the economic and operational potential public cloud services can offer.

It’s not always picture perfect in the cloud though – many customers have suffered spiralling costs that they simply hadn’t foreseen as their demands increased.  And ironically, some early adopters are now unpicking their public cloud services to reimplement on-premises.

Whether your experience of the public cloud has been good or bad, or you simply haven’t tried it at all, it’s hard not to recognise the as-a-service merits of what it promises.  Most of us would love to enjoy all the best parts of the cloud, only delivered from the comfort and security of our own data centre.  Well, thanks to HPE GreenLake Flex Capacity, that’s now possible.

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Science fiction to science fact – AI hits your data centre

Operation and maintenance of the data centre is changing; the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) playing a vital role in this development. The advancements in AI are delivering incredible results, with an increasing number of real-life applications coming to light as the technology progresses.

The ability to absorb information to enhance understanding, inform decisions, and formulate insightful predictions makes AI beneficial to a wide range of use cases. Capitalising on this fast-developing discipline could revolutionise how you operate much of your IT including your data centre.

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